The Transparency act is adopted by the Norwegian goverment. Entered into force 1. july 2022. The act will help to promote companies respect for basic human rights and that the company has decenst working conditions and also ensure the public`s access to information

The Norwegian report

Annual report Transparency Act 2023-2024 KLINGER Westad AS-


Klinger Westad shall safeguard fundamental human rights and ensure decent working conditions both within the company and with our partners. These obligations are anchored in board resolutions, our values  and in our ethical guidelines. We work continuously to improve and follow up of our suppliers and other partners on these issues. This measn that, among other things, we address fundamental human rights and the importance of a decent working relationship in meetings with suppliers and that we include specific obligations in our supplier agreements. Furthermore, we will continue to conduct internal training for managers and employees to ensure that our representatives are aware of what fundamental human rights and decent working conditions imply, as well as our obligations in this respect.


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KLINGER Westad strives to minimize the use of non-renewable resources and unnescessary packaging. Environmental knowledge is important among our employees and KLINGER Westad has an open policy towards customers, suppliers, owners and the general public regarding the environmental impact.

ISO 14001 certificate since March 2010.

Download our ISO 14001:2015 certificate (TI) here.